This image was captured shortly after sunrise in the Botanical Garden of Queenstown, New Zealand. Image was captured during the fall season in New Zealand.
If you are interested in purchasing/ordering this print, please fill out the contact form below. PLEASE DO NOT SEND PAYMENT INFORMATION IN THE FORM BELOW! We will review your request, and finalize the details for your order and send you an invoice which you can pay online if you like. Once we receive payment, we will submit the order for your print to the lab. If we are shipping the print to you, please allow at least 14 days for the print to arrive. We will keep you updated on the status of the order. We also prefer to inspect all prints from the lab for quality before delivering to our customers.
While the print is NOT part of a limited edition, all prints come signed and numbered by the photographer (typically on the back) and come with a Certificate of Authenticity.
This print is currently on Display at DUVALL ADVANCED FAMILY EYE CARE as a 12″ x 18″ Satin Silver Metal print.